Comes the Night (Out of Darkness #2) by Cathy Marlowe
(if you missed my first review you can go few post down and find it or you can click HERE and check the book on Goodreads.)
Review part 2
So last time I was writing about what happened in the book all to the 174th page, but like you can guess a lot has changed, because the book has taken an unexpected turn like all great books should.
(Spoiler alert)
That crazy egoistic DAD was actually an uncle of Zach's and he killed his son Thomas so Zach is just ZACH and on that awful day Zach should have died but instead Thomas died (he and Zach were the same age and they were very alike so they could easily pass as brothers, but they were in fact cousins) and Alistair wanted revenge. Not really his son’s death, I didn't really get a feeling he even was mourning him; it was more for himself, because he made a mistake and now he was paying for it. He said that himself, that he wanted revenge; because no one will teach him a lesson he is the only one who will.
Well let’s get back to the story. So Alistair drugged Zach with some serum that made him loose all of his memories and after Zach woke up in the hospital, Alistair claimed that he is his father and that his name was Thomas his long-gone-killed-by-him son.
There was also one MAJOR thing that I liked very much. Cathy Marlowe could've finished the book when Lizzie and Zach and their whole family was safe and when I was reading it I was like this is it this is the end, but no she has given us the long wanted and promising romantic moment between Zach and Lizzie. I LOVED THAT!!

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